Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Foster parenting and remuneration

The money paid to foster parents is most often a tabu subject.  The old idea that people become foster parents "for the money" never made any sense to me - maybe because I am a foster parent and I didn't get rich fostering children.
I look at it different because I see myself and my foster parents as following our passion, doing what we were called to do.  The government looks at the money paid as a remuneration for expenses incurred in caring for the children.  I think if someone is working and their own children are in day care, and they are longing to be home with their children, fostering is an excellent opportunity to stay home with the children.   Then, if they do as good a job as a parent as they did on their job, everyone wins.  Their children are cared for, foster children get a good home, tax payers get good use of their money, and the parent gets to follow their desire.
When our first foster child was riding between Jim and I in the car she looked from him to me, and back and forth.  Finally, she said, "How does a kid get to stay in a family like this?"  For the second time since she came, I knew I was doing the right thing.
In time, with so many children, through the years we needed new cars, washers, refridgerators, etc.  Was I getting rich in buying those necessities?  No, I was taking care of expenses incurred taking care of children.  If you are thinking of becoming a foster parent, talk to us, and don't be afraid to mention money.  We will help you any way we can.

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