Looking back I never could have predicted what kind of relationships we would all have with each other. Our children for the most part consider each other siblings. The girls that were raised together help each other and really treat each other as sisters. I am constantly surprised and pleased as I see them advise each other, support each other, and attend each others' birthdays and the birthdays of their children.
Often the older girls reach out to the younger ones, and the younger ones back to them. Our son Jay has been big brother to so many of them, and would help any family member that needed him.
Many of our children remember staff that worked with them when they were young, and follow them on face book and other social media.
Sometimes we hire past clients, and they even work under a "sister". Several of our grown daughters are still involved with their CASA workers.
People often think of Jim and I as a blessing. Now I ask you, who got blessed? I'm quite sure it was us!
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