Wednesday, November 5, 2014

What do you want?

Deciding what you want is the most difficult of all the things we do.  First of all, you need to think of the five needs - survival and safety, love and belonging, power and control, freedom and creativity, and fun and learning,  Think what about each need is important to you, and keep in mind what you want to feel satisfied with your choices.
Next, see if you come come up with some ideas regarding who you want to be known as.  Take a minute to write down a short paragraph or sentence with this information.
Remember, everything around you is just information.  It is your choice how you choose to act or react, or whether you choose to attach a feeling to the information.
Further, you already have information stored in your quality world, and you already have some perceptions formed on the subject,  Therefore, there are things you know you want, and have had these things stored for a long time,  Then,  there are immediate wants that may or may not have anything to do with your long term wants.  Knowing yourself will help you make decisions that will fill your wants.

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